The mission of the 52nd Signal Battalion is to engineer, install, operate and maintain forward based information systems, services and network operations that enable Joint, Interagency, Multinational, Army and Special Operations Forces. Specific tasks include: Providing command and control services; installing, operating, and maintaining C4 systems in the Battalion's area of responsibility; protecting the force; and providing sustainment.
On 1 August 1966, the Battalion was reactivated in Can Tho, Republic of Vietnam and assumed operational control of all area communications facilities in support of IV Corps and US Military Assistance Command - Vietnam Advisory Teams. Over the next 4 years, the 52nd Signal Battalion would participate in 12 separate campaigns throughout the Republic of Vietnam. In the fall of 1971, the Battalion began to stand down and was subsequently inactivated at Fort Lewis, Washington on 13 October 1971.
The unit was reactivated as Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment, 52nd Signal Battalion on 1 July 1974 in Germany and assigned to 2nd Signal Group (subsequently redesignated 2nd Signal Brigade), 5th Signal Command.